Zheng classification

Characteristics for differentiation

Qi stagnation Zheng

Abdominal distention, eructation, mobile gas pains, string pulse, normal tongue sign

Blood stasis Zheng

Immovable mass in the right upper quadrant, fixed unpressable sharp pain, melena, dark complexion, scaly skin, violet oral lips and onyx, subcutaneous peliona, spider nevi, varicosity of abdominal wall, menostasis, dark purple tongue, unsmooth thin pulse

Spleen-qi deficiency Zheng

Vague pain below xyphoid, tiredness, fatigue, loose stool, and poor appetite

Liver-yin deficiency

Flank pain, dryness of eyes, dizziness and tinnitus, burning sensation of five centers, feverish dysphoria, dry pharynx, wriggling of limbs, amenorrhea or scanty menstruation, stringy, thin and rapid pulse, red tongue with sparse saliva and coat

Kidney-yin deficiency

Sore waist and knees, skelasthenia, vertigo and tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, postcoital protrusion or impotence or nocturnal emission in man, hypomenorrhea or menostasis even uterine bleeding in woman, emaciation, feverish night sweating, burning sensation of five centers, dry pharynx and red cheeks, juvenile leukotrichia, somniloquence and bruxism, frequency of micturition, dark yellow urine, dry stool, red tongue with sparse saliva, rapid and thready pulse

Hepatochlic hygropyrexia Zheng

Hypochondrium distending pain, bitter taste of mouth and anorexia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distention, discordant stool, scanty dark urine, jaundice, alternate chill and fever, eczema of scrotum, swelling testes, thermalgia, yellow and foul morbid leucorrhea, pruritus of vulva, red tongue with yellowish and greasy fur, and stringy, smooth and rapid pulse

Evil toxin predominance Zheng

Acute onset of disease, feverish restlessness, yellowish skin, faces and sclera, hepatosplenomegaly, even obnubilation, convulsion, sweating, dark yellow urine, obstipation, foul morbid leucorrhea, purple-red tongue with yellow thick fur, rapid and floating pulse